Monday, March 10, 2008

What the .....bleep, is a KannDoGirl?

Thought you all might like to know where in the world the name came from. Well, in order to tell you this, I must take you back to the year 2001 (monumentous year for me - discuss that late!) A friend and I had been taking a class in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and were considering having a business together that used this technology. I was doodling on paper - don't ya just love it :), messing around with our initials, and that's how the business name came up - Kann-Do. Absolutely universal.

That business didn't take off :(, but that's ok. It was a stepping stone for many other things to come, and the KannDo simply stuck. Since I'm a girl, and KANN-Do is so applicable for me I decided to 'brand' myself as the KannDoGirl.

Stop and think about it! kanndo, can do - ikanndo, ukanndo, we kanndo. What have you been able to do? When you can't do something, what do you do? Let me hear from you. I'll talk more later about what I do, and what I've done.
The KannDoGirl


Wavecritter said...

Hats off to the Buckeye Kanndogirl and neuro-linguistic programming! Woohooo Steff

Wyverex said...

"Since I'm a girl, and KANN-Do is so applicable for me I decided to 'brand' myself as the KannDoGirl." This is an outstanding Attitude!

Anonymous said...

"What the .....bleep, is a KannDoGirl?" You Are so cute Nancy! :)

kurt mitchell said...

neuro-linguistic programming? That's an intimidating phrase for a country boy. I don't even know what that is let alone how you would use it in business. Sounds like it might be like blip-verts. Remember blip-verts from the old show Max HeadRoom? Subliminal messages flashed at you in millisecond bursts. Maybe you could do a small post about the subject. I would love to learn more.

Kurt Mitchell

Unknown said...

I do share your sentiments and thougths about mentoring and helping others who want to pursue Network Marketing. This is really a hard job ....


Anonymous said...

I studied NLP also. Keep up with the Kann-Do attitude.

John Raines said...

yeah i love your name - branding thats funny how you came up wtih it

askGerhard-Kaiser said...

Hi KannDoGirl!
This kann sounds like a german worth, but it`s means the same...
Greetings from Germany!
Gerhard Kaiser Google me!

Hank Dunckel said...

Hank Dunckel would seem to think that if your name is "KannDoGirl, you can DO ANYTHING?

Know I know who to call to get things done.

Keep up the GREAT work you are doing on the team.

Hank Dunckel & Spot Dunckel
Google Me Soon